Some of John's Platforms
State’s business economy is collapsing under the weight of taxes, labor
and industries insurance increases, rising minimal wage rates, health
insurance costs, and government regulations. Washington State has the
highest minimum wage rate in the nation but we still have working
poor. Our minimum wage does not lift a wage earner
out of
poverty. We must act quickly to stop any further
hardships on our working poor and fixed income senior
The working poor struggle with high rent, high insurance,
expenses and high utilities. Typically the husband
and wife
work in order to pay for the basic necessities for life. The
working poor often are within one personal financial
crisis away
from becoming homeless. The middle class struggles to provide
their children’s college education, health care, and automobile
insurance. Some middle income families are affluent enough not to
qualify for state aid and have to take care of their elderly parents by
private means. Often times that care costs more
than what the
elderly parent receives in social security and pension. This creates a
burden on those children.
statistics for Washington state shows our population could
increase 17% to 25% from the six million of 2001 to either seven or
eight million by year 2030. This represents 285,000 to 572,000 families
with 3.5 people per family. An economic boom lasting many decades would
accelerate the population growth as more local jobs are filled by those
moving into the state. An Economic Recovery Program would have to
include provisions addressing accelerated population growth. A
management plan must be in effect to control growth, and where
necessary, positively impacting area infrastructures, schools,
the various microeconomies. Land management should be developed into
commercial real estate property in those regions that cannot otherwise
support crop, timber, or grassland. This would reserve fertile land to
provide for wildlife and human needs.
In areas
of Washington State, industries that have supported local
government for over 50-75 years are shutting down and some are even
dismantling their factories for sale on public auction. These historic
revenue generating industries were in mining, logging, fishing, and
farming. Historically, they were a dependable source of local
government revenue as well as a public fund source for the
of a functioning society. They built and maintain Washington’s public
schools, transportation system, infrastructures, and social services
loss of these historic industries has impacted at least 30,000
families by taking away a family wage earner. What
angers me
the most is that special interest organizations have place their
self-centered interests over a sustaining and functioning society.
believe that we can help all of our residents if I
something about the high cost of the family budget. The cost of living
is too high and needs to come down to where all residents of
Washington State can survive as well as save
for the
future. By bringing down food costs, power costs, fuel costs, health
and automobile insurance costs and providing affordable shelter along
with tax cuts, it will give more purchasing power to the
individual taxpayer as well as provide money to state and
government so we can pay off deficit debts. I have real plans for this.
It's too late for many communities and some of those communities may
never recover. A tax cut doesn’t help the wage earner who has
been layoff from a shutdown of a major industry.
have plans that will rebuild and refit the timber and lumber industry,
eliminate the affordable housing shortage, build equity and wealth,
increase local revenue, and stimulate local economies.
have been studying the economic problem in my region of Washington
state and have concluded that much of this could had been avoided.
Faulty reasoning was used to concock the mess that will take years to
have been studying the economic woes of eastern Washington state for
some time. Many citizens of northeastern Washington state blame NAFTA
for the economic loss of major industies that supported so
much in
the area. I believe in the concept of the NAFTA agreement and have to
place blame on poor management practice and government regulations.
Americans can compete with other nations, if allowed to in a fair
playing field.
would like to suggest that we revive the timber industry that has
suffered greatly in the past two decades. Several hundred mills have
shutdown with the loss of 30,000 high paying jobs. Timber sales profits
are given to public schools as a source of funding, and this major
revenue source has dramatically decreased. This loss of funding has
caused schools to seek other methods for aid. In order to justify a
government funded program to revive the timber industry, we need a good
reason for all of this lumber that would be produced. I would like to
start another government funded program to provide low cost housing for
those people that want to get out of paying rent and become a property
owner. I would like to be able to build 400,000 units and carry the
mortgage to fit the needs of the property owner. This would enable
400,000 families to put their rent money to use by builting equity for
a future upgrade. These 400,000 units now pay property and utility
taxes that support local government.
Affordable Housing Update July 29, 2008
am very disappointed with the Washington State building and
housing industry for not having built more affordable housing for low
wage earners, and those on a fixed incomes. These people need
affordable shelter and in a building boom period during which something
could have been done, the builder’s greed spoiled everything. I have
been a strong advocate for affordable housing for many years and I am
very angry at what has transpired from my hard work and political
pandering. Prior to the housing boom, we had interest rates approach
levels not seen in 60 years. Our economy was stagnant after the dot.com
bust, the technology bust, and terrorist attack. A way to turn the
economy around was to create a building construction boom. At that time
lumber, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, cement, asphalt, and diesel were
priced at, or near, lifetime lows. This was the best opportunity to
build affordable housing that there ever will be and what did the home
and building industry construct? According to the US Census data,
million dollar condos and mansion going for hundreds of thousands of
dollars that no average citizen in our state could ever afford on a
$45,000 income. I am a public works lead inspector for the City of
Spokane and I personally have witnessed the construction of at least
ten thousand homes in the past five years with a starting price of
$250,000 or more. This is hardly what I had in mind in my Affordable
Housing Program that I ran in 2004 and again am incorporating in 2008
as a platform for office.
believe that we can turn the housing bubble bust around by doing what
started it in the first place, but this time we do the smart thing and
build affordable homes suited for lower wage earners. What I previously
wrote has not changed and I believe that we still can find areas to
build affordable homes. Currently we have an oversupply of mansions and
luxury homes. It will be a long time before anyone will be able to buy
them. If builders would have built affordable homes in the beginning,
early buyers could had built enough equity to sell their homes to
upgrade into a more luxurious home. But no, this did not happen and we
have what we’ve got today, many vacated lots and homes. Where are these
people going to live? The cost of living is rising and the dollar is
inflated. More people are having a difficult time maintaining shelter
in a time of high energy cost. There is more need to build affordable
housing than every before. Under my program, we would be able to turn
our economy around for at least the next decade. It would not be boom
like, but an economy with dependable growth. In the meantime we help
new homeowners build equity and become taxpayers. In time they would be
able to upgrade into the luxury homes that were built that few now can
below, as prepared by Mr. John W. Aiken, Jr. 12/15/02
Affordable Home Program, upon completion, would help make 600,000
renters become home owners in fifteen years with collected personal
equity worth around $60 billion. This program creates 50,000 new
property owners each year for the next twelve year period. When each of
the 50,000 new homes are occupied with a buyer, this collective lot
will start paying $90 million per year to local governments in property
tax and utility services. At the end of the eighth year of the
construction phase of this program, this program would have been
responsible for creating $25 billion in real estate wealth of which $8
billion of this would be in home owner equity and not wasted on rent to
a landlord. This program would create 400,000 property owners at the
end of the eighth year of construction who now pay almost $1 billion
per year to local governments. During the first ten year period of
growth into this program, the local governments would collect $5
billion in total revenue through this program’s property owners. The
end of this program is designed to expire on or around a 15 year term
period for repayment of loan to the Federal Government. At around the
end of the 15 years of this program the debt is retired and terminated,
I estimate that the property wealth should be valued around $60 billion
and local governments would had received almost $10 billion in total
revenue from the program, and will collect over $1.5-2 billion annually
from a dependable revenue source.
program would help preserve Washington’s timber industry and provide
employment in the logging, lumber, construction material, and
construction labor industry for twelve to fourteen years by putting to
work 30,000 wage earners with a $2 billion per year union payroll and
benefit package to spend in the local area. An investment that
stimulates the economy, provides a need, and benefits from that need is
trully the way to go. Risk is very limited since ownership of property
is under the terms of the loan with government and property buyer.
Program Phases $55-60 Billion
investment in 15 years
on Investment:
1) Investment Loan
with interest to be paided at end of 15 years minimum or 20 years
2) Creates over
$60 billion in wealth through real estate development and personal
Would create a future base of home owners that would be able to upgrade
to higher price real estate shelters at affordable rate of payment.
Upon completion of the program, it would provide a dependable revenue
source to local government of over $1.3 billion a year in the form of
property taxes and utility services. Local government would receive
about $10 billion in total revenue during the 15 year construction
5) Would save
timber and building industry for next 20 years and put about $2
billion/yr payroll back into local economy.
Would prepare for future population increases at all ages by natural
and migratory growth cycle and have affordable living facilities
Would be able to do selective development to areas congested with high
social demands to less congested areas that need people in their
community (and have available space in their public schools.)
8) Start-ups get timber and building supply-manufacturing contracts,
purchase and develop new properties, qualifying applicants,
engineering, architecting and planning.
• Phase 1 300,000
units ($50K-75K price/unit) at 50,000 units/year 6 year contract
• Phase 2 200,000 units ($75K-100K
price/unit) at 50,000 unit/ year 4 year contract
• Phase 3 100,000 units ($50K-75K
price/unit) at 50,000 units/year 2 year contract
• Phase 4 15,000 senior citizen communities
at 7,500 units/year 2 year contract, 6,000 community center malls, 1,500 shelters and food bank, 500 orphanges.
building enhancements to the highway rest stop I feel we can
positively impact our state. These enhancements can do and offer the
1. Provides shelter and safety to the travelling public.
2. Provides
emergency response for fire, flood, snow, avalanche, earthquake, ice
storm, accidents, and so on.
Provide employment in law enforcement, fire, emergency, tow trucks,
snow plows, flood control, fast food, lodging, automotive service,
theme park, tourism, etc.
4. Will need to
provide housing, water, sewer treatment, solid waste treatment, and
power, as well schools for children and transportation to other schools
in districts.
Casinos would be the logical attractions to rest stops. Casinos can
offer a great many forms of entertainment besides
Casinos often offer food, drinks and lodging. Tourism would be whatever
the natural surrounding would support. This could be horseback riding,
trail bikes, bicycles trails, hiking, camping, youth camps, fishing,
shooting, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, sailing, gliding,
parasailing, hang gliding, four wheeling, drag racing, concerts, flea
markets and so on. I would like to see a rest stop approximately every
60 miles of interstate road in Washington. Each one of these would be a
significant micro community, most of whose employable
residents could work in the area.
by John W. Aiken,
Jr. (September, 2003)
Dear Washington
State Citizen,
is my desire to become the Governor of Washington State and to lead our
state through the developing 21st Century. Nothing is more important to
me than Public Education Reform and I hereby submit to you a Public
Education Reform Program that is sound and efficient; so much so that I
believe many other states in our nation will want to adopt this program
for their own standard of teaching, learning, testing and educational
We must
reform our Public Education System. It’s time for the citizens of
Washington to demand reforms to our Public Education System, and not
just with words but with actions. Public school officials, teacher’s
unions and parents of those students with low test scores blame each
other for this failing in public education. What it comes down to
though is not how much money is being spent on public education, but
what the money is being spent for. Many problems exist with public
education and spending more tax money to solve these problems simply
have not worked. The time has come to take the bull by the horns and
make the serious changes, or continue with costly and mediocre results.
many publically educated students lack knowledge and skills to be
successful in modern society. Government census reports provide clear
evidence that the majority of Washington’s public educated students are
not adequately prepared for modern society. Many lack knowledge such as
basic health care, every day living discipline and being adequately
trained for higher skilled employment in better paying technical jobs.
The fact is that the teaching system used today in Washington State is
ineffective and very costly to maintain. As Governor I plan to remedy
this waste of public resources.
must have a uniform standard in education. I will bring fair and
equable education for every public school student in Washington, no
matter where they reside. The evaluation tests of public school
students prove that our state’s present system of teaching and learning
cannot perform to national standards. To greatly aid in the learning
process, I firmly believe it is necessary to have a uniform standard in
education. To this end I propose that all students receive basically
the same educational programs from kindergarten though the twelfth
is much that complicates learning, for instance we are a very
transitory society and we move from place to place every three to five
years on average. Naturally this interrupts the 'moved' student’s
education. Typically the curriculum and flow of study at the student’s
new school can vary considerably from the education he or she was used
to, quite often resulting in their diminished learning performance.
Since public schools usually don’t teach the same course in the same
manner, and with the same instructional materials, the costs to
Washington’s taxpayers are enormous. When going from one school to the
other, we will find different text books and curriculum schedules in
use to teach the same grade level class. We must end this tremendously
wasteful practice by providing exactly the same text books for the same
grades at all public schools in Washington State. We will use only the
text book (or books) in a particular subject that have proven
themselves to be the most productive to learning. A tremendous cost
reduction in public revenue can result as:
We would cut costs by eliminating the implementation of prospectively
dozens of different and/or competing educational programs that by law
are supposed to be equal for every publicly educated student.
We would be able to reduce cost by volume buying. Our education system
will get a much better volume discount from publishers and others in
regard to the books and related educational programs as we will be
buying in much higher quantities.
are textbooks on subjects that are so well written that they stand the
test of time. The best books are written by geniuses who can simplify
complex concepts into what the student can readily comprehend. These
types of books will become incorporated with other similar text books
and references into what I call the Washington State Standard Public
Education Text Books. These textbooks will be selected by the State’s
Legislature. Such designated books will become the state’s standard for
that subject and grade level class until such time that the State’s
Legislature replaces it with another book. I believe that within a
surprisingly short period of time, Washington’s public school cost for
textbooks and related educational programs, would be reduced
dramatically. This saving could provide much needed revenue for other
educational functions in the form of more student activity programs,
immunization programs, and after school programs.
will use 21st Century technologies as self teaching tools. As a 21st
Century Governor I will vigorously work to develop more 21st Century
technologies into self teaching tools. Upon purchasing a standard
textbook and with the proper licensing agreements, we can convert the
book into what is called an electronic book, or in trade jargon an
ebook. An electronic book is easily read and can be viewed through many
digital reading mechanisms; such as a personal computer, a portable
handheld reader and television. The text and images can be enhanced to
become interactive. By becoming interactive, it would be possible to
monitor and test a student’s level of retained knowledge on a chapter
of study in the ebook. These ebooks can be adapted in many ways to the
individually varying needs of each student. Among other things,
supplemental graphic teaching aids, dictionary, and references can be
added to individual students ebooks to aid in understanding for very
complex topics.
must enable students to learn at the pace that’s best for them instead
of forcing them to learn at a scheduled pace that’s best for others.
There are many subjects that can be self-taught without a parent or
teacher to supervise. A very good example of a self-taught method is
the television show, Sesame Street. As we all know this very popular
show teaches preschoolers how to count, does simple mathematics, build
a vocabulary, pronounce words, spell, and so on. Modern day children
are comfortable with electronic devices; such as, television and
computers. These forms of audiovisual communications can provide a
self-tutor method to learning. Students can learn at their own natural
pace and not by a rigid class schedule that benefits the small minority
that is quicker learners. The fact is learning is not constant and is
subject to the individual pupil’s own ability to be taught new concepts
and material.
will provide better use of an educator’s time and resources. Educators
will no longer have to waste time and resources to teach those students
that have the ability to teach themselves. Class sizes can be smaller
and more specialized. Educators can spend more time with those students
that are having difficulty learning. Faster learning students become
easily bored and that inactivity can lead to disciplinary problems in
the classroom. Let faster learning students be tested on the class
material and allowed them to advance to a higher level of learning that
they are not bored with. With my Public Education Reform Program, the
teacher’s burden of preparing class lessons and conforming to different
non standardized text books will be lessened. The standardizing of
textbooks can make all lesson planning standard as well. A substitute
teacher will know what the lesson plan is no matter what school they
are assigned to. The teacher’s role in education will be to motivate
and to monitor learning. Teachers can spend more time on a more
individual basis to those students having difficulty, and be able to
better identify why these students are having difficulty.
has been documented, there are other factors that can contribute to
poor learning performance. Some factors are the lack of adequate
nutrition for poverty-stricken children, the lack of supervision in
single parent homes, and the lack of local funding for schools in
economically depressed regions of our state. To help counter these
problems I support the following:
I would like the school year to be extended for the full year.
Washington is no longer a state dependent on minors for a source of
cheap farming labor. No longer is it necessary for a summer break so
public school students can aid in their family farms. There are many
good reasons to support a longer school year. Working parents that
depend on a daycare service during the summer for their child's
supervision, would save money from not having to pay for summer daycare
and related services. Property damage, vandalism, petty crime, and
shoplifting incidents would mostlikely decrease, thus reducing the
workload of our police force. Extending the school year to include the
summer months can mean students can enjoy school sponsored outdoor
recreational activities that other months of the school year cannot
offer. Our young people don’t need a summer vacation to enjoy the
summer time activities. I believe what parents spend on day care would
be better spent on public education.
I would like the school hours to be extended. Working parents have
different schedules that do not always fit with scheduled school hours.
I would like to make it possible for students to do homework or have
after school activities at school. This would protect our children from
getting in trouble while waiting for their parent(s) to pick them up.
I would like to have a nutrient program that poverty level school
children can benefit from year round. Problems with nutrient, abuse,
health, and physical disabilities could all hinder a child’s desire
and/or ability to study and perform adequately. Providing nutrient for
the development of healthy bodies and minds is an inexpensive means to
save in future costs from physical and mental problems. This would be
provided at school in the form of a free breakfast and lunch year-round.
I would like to have an immunization program for the prevention of
diseases. I believe that the prevention of diseases should begin at the
early stages of life, and our state would see savings from future
medical costs of health care maintenance. It would be better to spend a
little now for prevention of diseases than to spend a lot later. We
need to do more to eliminate diseases before they spread and become a
greater problem.
is a need to increase the pay in some geographic areas of our state for
our public school teachers to have parity with the cost of living in
those areas. The voters of Washington State passed an initiative to
provide a cost of living raise for our public school teachers in a
previous General Election. Unfortunately, the State Government did not
provide for this cost of living raise and has caused our state’s voters
to question the law especially, since the state’s elected leaders gave
themselves a substantial raise in pay under the same economic
conditions that others were denied. Many public school teachers have to
deal with inadequate pay, large class sizes, students with discipline
problems and long work hours. This has causedw many educators to retire
early or seek other careers. Our universities and colleges cannot
graduate enough teachers to keep pace with our growing student
population due to poor wages and working conditions. Through this
Public Education Reform Program, I believe we can realize savings
through the reduction of education cost. I also feel we would be able
to provide a wage increase for our public school teachers. We can spend
a hundred million dollars to create the WASL test and a billion dollars
in the last ten years on education research, but we can’t find any
dollars for teacher pay and student needs. This is very wrong and I
plan to do something about this if I am elected Washington State’s
will have to be a new wage and benefit package offered to current
contracted teachers and new teachers. Under the Public Education Reform
Program, I intend to extend the public school year and scheduled hours.
Teachers who are under the current labor contract will not be affected
by these changes of working days and hours and will continue to work
under the contract as it is. Current contract teachers will be
unaffected until their labor contract expires. New teachers will be
under a new labor contract that will be negotiated by their unions and
will be for the extended school year and hours. Labor will be based on
a forty-hour work week and benefits will be similar to other unions
that are not involved with teaching or educating. A teacher’s seniority
will become the method to determine their working preferences for
teaching in any public school and will be regulated by their union at a
state level. A readjustment of pay and benefits will have to be
negotiated to include those extended days in order to entice those
teachers to work in an extended school year while under contract in the
current system. It may be possible for all teachers to still work in a
traditional nine-month school year, if they choose to do so. Teachers
could choose which three-month quarterly break they would take. Those
with the most seniority would have first choice, but there would be no
readjustment in compensation for their wage and benefits. These labor
issues will be determined through a negotiation procedure with the
teacher’s union and the State.
will be changes in Higher Education to promote technical level
education for students. The first two years of college is similar in
curriculum of study no matter what college a student attends in the
State of Washington. Because of this similarity of basic courses toward
a degree, I believe this too can be standardized and taught under a
self-teaching method. Often in college, a teacher’s assistant teaches
the introductory and basic level course in any particular major field
of study and those prerequisite courses for a degree. To encourage a
higher level of learning and to increase Washington’s level of college
graduates for business, it is my desire to offer these basic courses
under the same conditions as described under the Washington State
Standard Public Education Text Books in Public High Schools. This will
relieve Washington’s overcrowded colleges and make them become more
technical as well as specializing them toward advanced studies, where
higher degree professors should be teaching for our state’s business
needs. By offering these courses in high school, this would also cut
cost in higher education by reducing time spend in college on basic
course studies. This would also save parents and students some of the
cost for a higher education. It will also help poverty level students
to be able to obtain a college degree and give all students a chance
for a college education that the benefits our business community needs.
closing of this short paper of introduction on my Public Education
Reform Program, I would like to state that if I am elected Governor of
Washington, I believe that this is a sound way to reduce cost of
education. It will provide incentives toward higher levels of learning
and it will provide an equitable education for every student in
Washington State, no matter where they reside. It will help educators
to better spend their time and resources on those that are having
difficulty in learning. It will bring educators to a higher level of
professionalism by teaching by the concept of specialized needs.
Recent Article on Public Education from the The Spokesman-Review on
Monday, September 8, 2003 Edition, Spokane, Washington
By Donald C. Orlich - Special to The
School reform in Washington and 49 other states has been reduced to a
single high-stakes test. Nearly $1 billion has been spent on reform by
the Washington Legislature since 1993. The WASL -- for Washington
Assessment of Student Learning -- costs over $100 million and the
current contract with Riverside Publishing Company accounts for a
paltry $61.67 million. The state superintendent of public instruction
has a $200 million reform slush fund to advocate the WASL, with none of
that funding supporting teachers' classrooms, student services, school
programs, instructional materials, new books or teacher education.
The WASL is given each spring to fourth-, seventh- and 10th-graders in
the areas of reading, writing, listening and mathematics. Science WASL
results will be announced for grades 5, 8 and 10 this fall. It must be
noted that the science pilot test scores have been kept secret for the
past three years. One must ask, "why?"
But what did we learn from the spring 2003 WASL administration?
The vast majority of children from low-income families, as measured by
eligibility for free or reduced lunch, did not meet the standard. That
is, they failed.
Up to 96 percent of children classified as being in "special education"
did not meet the standard. They failed.
Hispanic children tend not to meet standard.
Migrant children at all levels tended to fail all WASL areas being
Examining all data sets for the 222,000-plus fourth-, seventh- and
10th-graders taking the WASL, only one in three met the standard in all
four subjects being assessed.
it down by ethnic groups, Asian children led in math, while white
children lead all other ethnic groups -- American Indian, black and
Seventh-graders tended to score rather poorly compared with
fourth-graders, while grade 10 results were mixed, showing increases
and decreases from previous years.
The WASL test items are allegedly keyed to the state standards called
"Essential Academic Learning Requirements," or EALRs. When the WASL is
compared with the EALRs, some interesting artifacts appear. At least 12
of the mathematics standards for grades 4, 7, and 10 are identical.
Even the Stanford Research Institute study of 2002 concluded that the
seventh-grade WASL math test is more difficult than the 10th-grade WASL
math test.
Are fourth-graders being prepared with those touted 21st century skills
to work for the U.S. Bureau of the Census? Writers of the 2003
fourth-grade WASL think so. Questions on the test required
fourth-graders to design surveys to solve problems being posed. (Being
the author of the book "Designing Sensible Surveys I," can assure you
that fourth- graders are not really up to it.)
Probability problems are scattered throughout the test. Do you have a
clue what a "function machine" is? I don't. Fourth-graders are expected
to write a rule to use one.
Do you remember "measures of central tendency" -- mean, median and
mode? Fourth-graders are expected to apply those concepts that are
taught in statistics.
Do we have "world class standards" or do we have asinine ones? Take
your pick.
Several studies have analyzed the WASL, but I shall summarize mainly
from the Washington Education Association January 2003 report the
following six major deficiencies of the WASL.
There are no predictive validity studies relating to the WASL.
There is a high correlation between the WASL math tests and the WASL
reading tests. This could account for almost one-half of the math
Subjective scoring leads to arbitrary decisions. There can be a 28.9
percent chance that a child has had his or her test incorrectly scored.
The arbitrary standard will be raised each year, eventually reaching
100 percent.
Correct answers are determined after students' answers are read.
On some questions, students can earn full points, even if they get the
wrong answer.
The WASL has appearances of a technical disaster.
Do you know that all student tests are shredded? In Nevada, Minnesota
and New York City, scorer errors were common. Your child could be kept
from graduating because of incorrect scoring and you have no recourse.
You lose your Fifth Amendment rights of due process in school reform.
passage of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 95 percent of
all children in all categories -- special education, non-English
speakers and the like -- must pass 95 percent of all WASL tests or
either the federal government or private contractors will confiscate
local communities' public schools.
There is a ray of hope. The NAACP in Florida filed a complaint with the
Office of Civil Rights, charging that the Florida test (similar to the
WASL) is discriminatory. Our attorney general should do this for the
children in the Evergreen State. Only the future of your child is at
Former Gov. Booth Gardner cautioned against using the WASL for
competition and rankings and advised that, "If you want an academic
contest between schools, then hold a tournament."
• Donald C. Orlich
of Pullman is a professor emeritus at Washington State University
John W. Aiken, Jr., Campaign Committee, PO
Box 250, Medical Lake, Washington 99022-0250
© 2020 John W. Aiken, Jr. Campaign Committee